As a registered 501(c)(3) non-profit, we rely on donations from corporations and individuals like you to fund our life-saving projects in water, education, and healthcare. Whether you give towards a water well project or fund an entire water well, we value every donation and assure you that every dollar goes to support the vision of Anidaso.
Our mission is to lift up those most in need, thereby maximizing every dollar we receive. We welcome you to explore our work, and we hope you consider supporting our hope-giving projects with a one-time or monthly donation.
We would love to hear from you. Please use the provided contact form to send us any questions or comments, and we will promptly respond to your message.
If you prefer to donate via Venmo, simply search,
GIVE TODAY@Anidaso_hope
You will recognize our green "A" logo.
There are no processing fees from Venmo. Include your email and address in the notes section.
If you would rather mail a check, here is our mailing address:
Anidaso • 457 Laurence Drive • Suite 186 • Heath, TX 75032
All donations to Anidaso are tax-deductible. To make your PayPal donation go further, please consider increasing your gift by 3 percent to cover transaction expenses.
If your donation is being made in honor of a loved one, or for a special project, please make a notation or us know at